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 vortex strikefire

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2 participants
Actif / Active
Actif / Active

Nombre de messages : 347
Localisation : st jerome
Emploi : frigoriste
Loisirs : ruisseau noir
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2014

vortex strikefire Empty
MessageSujet: vortex strikefire   vortex strikefire Icon_minitimeMar 6 Déc - 21:38

probleme avec mon vortex!!!! quelqu un peut me dire ou l envoyer pour la garantie??? merci
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Administrateur principal
Administrateur principal

Nombre de messages : 40954
Age : 48
Localisation : Longueuil
Loisirs : EP & Taponner mes guns
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2010

vortex strikefire Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vortex strikefire   vortex strikefire Icon_minitimeMar 6 Déc - 22:14


Vortex VIP Warranty

Our warranty is about you, not us.
It's about taking care of you after the sale. The VIP stands for Very Important Promise to you (our customers) that we will do the following:

Repair or replace your Vortex product for any reason at NO CHARGE to you. It doesn't matter how it happened, whose fault it was, or where you purchased it.

Unlimited lifetime warranty
Fully transferable
No warranty card to fill out
No receipt needed to hang on to
If you ever have a problem, no matter the cause, we promise to take care of you.

VIP Warranty Procedure

Step 1

Fill out the Warranty Repair Form (.pdf)

Step 2

Ship your product in a cardboard shipping carton to the following address:

Vortex Canada
45 Airpark Place, Unit #5
Guelph, ON
N1L 1B2

Step 3

Once we receive your product we will evaluate your product and repair it at no charge. Some items will need to be shipped to Vortex USA for repair, Vortex Canada will cover all costs associated with shipping and brokerage. Should your item not be repairable, a replacement will be sent.

Step 4

Vortex Canada will promptly ship the repaired item back to you at no charge.

Fine Print

Theft or loss of a product is not covered.
VIP warranty does not cover accessories.


Tant qu'on pourra s'passer du cimetière
Avoir du fun, manger, baiser pis boire
Tant qu'on pourra entre joyeux copains
Tapocher l'cul d'une belle bouteille de vin

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Actif / Active
Actif / Active

Nombre de messages : 347
Localisation : st jerome
Emploi : frigoriste
Loisirs : ruisseau noir
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2014

vortex strikefire Empty
MessageSujet: Re: vortex strikefire   vortex strikefire Icon_minitimeMer 7 Déc - 9:45

tu es le king!!!! merci!
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vortex strikefire
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