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 2017 Rules book

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3 participants
Administrateur principal
Administrateur principal

Nombre de messages : 40770
Age : 48
Localisation : Longueuil
Loisirs : EP & Taponner mes guns
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2010

2017 Rules book Empty
MessageSujet: 2017 Rules book   2017 Rules book Icon_minitimeVen 6 Jan 2017 - 22:51

Et voilà, le nouveau Rule Book IPSC 2017 est sorti.


Très peu de changement sommes toutes. En fait, les voici...

Citation :
2016 Proposed Rule Changes – ALL DISCIPLINES

6.1.7 A Region affiliated to IPSC cannot actively or passively sanction a shooting match of any type or format within the geographical boundaries of another Region without the advance and written approval of the Regional Director of the Region where the match is to be held. A Region in violation is subject to Section 5.9 of the IPSC Constitution. In any case, match organizers must not accept any competitor or Match Official from another Region unless the Regional Director of that Region has confirmed the competitor's or Match Official's eligibility to participate in the subject match, and that the competitor or Match Official is not under sanction from the IPSC Executive Council.

4. Team Categories:

(f) Regional teams by Family.
Family Teams consist of two members, one being a Junior and the other either a parent or grandparent of the Junior. Notwithstanding Rule, the two team members may compete in different Divisions and a female individually registered as "Lady" may participate as the Junior provided that she satisfies the Junior age limit. Family Team results will be calculated by adding the match percentiles attained by the two members. This Team Category is under evaluation and, unless extended, it will expire on 31 December 2017.

2016 Proposed Rule Changes – HANDGUN ONLY

Revolver Division:

Minimum power factor for Major ……. 170 (see below).

14. No limit on cylinder capacity. A maximum of 6 rounds to be fired before reloading. Violations will incur one procedural penalty for each shot in excess of 6 rounds actually fired before reloading. Revolvers with a capacity of 7 rounds or more do not qualify for Major, even if rounds achieve Major power factor during testing by chronograph.


Tant qu'on pourra s'passer du cimetière
Avoir du fun, manger, baiser pis boire
Tant qu'on pourra entre joyeux copains
Tapocher l'cul d'une belle bouteille de vin

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Administrateur principal
Administrateur principal

Nombre de messages : 40770
Age : 48
Localisation : Longueuil
Loisirs : EP & Taponner mes guns
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2010

2017 Rules book Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2017 Rules book   2017 Rules book Icon_minitimeVen 6 Jan 2017 - 22:52

Et non, avant que certains le demande, il n'y a pas de version française.


Tant qu'on pourra s'passer du cimetière
Avoir du fun, manger, baiser pis boire
Tant qu'on pourra entre joyeux copains
Tapocher l'cul d'une belle bouteille de vin

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Grande gueule / Big mouth
Grande gueule / Big mouth

Nombre de messages : 49104
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2010

2017 Rules book Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2017 Rules book   2017 Rules book Icon_minitimeSam 7 Jan 2017 - 1:21

Non! ,ah fuck Mr Green
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Grande gueule / Big mouth
Grande gueule / Big mouth

Nombre de messages : 1432
Localisation : Quebec
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2016

2017 Rules book Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2017 Rules book   2017 Rules book Icon_minitimeDim 8 Jan 2017 - 14:19

Merci pour le lien, je n'avais pas pensé à aller vérifier.
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2017 Rules book
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