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 Site Gunpost se fait ejecter de twitter

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Grande gueule / Big mouth
Grande gueule / Big mouth

Nombre de messages : 3118
Localisation : Lanaudiere
Loisirs : Chasse - tir a la cible - peche a la mouche/montage
Date d'inscription : 28/11/2016

Site Gunpost se fait ejecter de twitter Empty
MessageSujet: Site Gunpost se fait ejecter de twitter   Site Gunpost se fait ejecter de twitter Icon_minitimeVen 20 Sep 2019 - 16:03

Twitter suspended our account without any warning about 2 weeks ago. It seems they have added a separate section outside of their "Twitter Rules" which now says that Twitter does not allow the facilitation of firearms or ammunition sales.

So regardless of the fact that we had thousands of Twitter users who loved our news feed with each new listing from GunPost being Tweeted from our Twitter account. Twitter has put our account to an end.

But the anti-firearm movement is most definitely the way the world is going. Luckily none of these social media websites can shut down our actual website. They do not own GunPost.ca, we own it. We are here to stay, and have a tonne of improvements planned for our website.
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Site Gunpost se fait ejecter de twitter
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